En febrero del 2013 el poeta Canadiense Shane Koyczan (Yellowknife 1976) participó en las conferencias de TED, una organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a difundir ideas con charlas de expertos, con una emotiva charla poética centrada en el tema del acoso que Koyczan y otros habían recibido durante su vida y los efectos permanentes sentidos hasta el presente. La charla se denominó hasta «Al día de hoy»… por el abuso y la belleza, cuyo contenido traducido por TED difundimos abajo.
Posteriormente el poeta creo el proyecto denominado «To This Day» (Hasta el día de hoy) con el cual invitó a video artistas de todo el mundo a animar su poema que contiene partes de la charla en TED. Animadores y diseñadores gráficos que participaron en el proyecto en forma voluntaria lo hicieron con fragmentos de 20 segundos entrelazados con continuidad.
La convocatoria se realizó mediante un hermoso video animado en VIMEO donde el poeta canadiense expresa que «su experiencia con violencia en las escuelas ha hecho eco a través de toda su vida pero afrontando cara a cara el problema lo ha ayudado de una forma inconmensurable». Luego explica que escribió el poema «To This Day» para «explorar el impacto que el acoso ejerce en los acosados» y que el video resultado de la convocatoria, es una herramienta «que escuelas y familias necesitan desesperadamente para confrontar este problema».
Artistas de diversas partes del mundo respondieron al llamado de Koyzan. En la página web del proyecto se muestra el trabajo de 85 artistas participantes que escogieron los clips de 20 segundos. El resultado de su convocatoria mostró lo que una comunidad de talentosos individuos puede lograr cuando se propone luchar por una idea común. El video resultante publicado en Vimeo y Youtube ha recibido hasta el día de hoy más de 16 millones de visitas, solamente en Youtube. El video ha sido traducido por diferentes usuarios, una de ellas es la realizada por Alan Zigler (abajo).
En una entrevista a Christian Science Monitor, Koyzan afirmó que «Mi esperanza es que el video alcance a algunas de las personas que buscan algo que les ayude a sobrevivir otro día», luego explicó que «cuando escribí el poema las personas comenzaron a acercarse a mi porque necesitaban hablar con alguien luego de haberlo escuchado y entonces me di cuenta que no es un problema norteamericano sino del mundo entero».
Shane Koyzac pertenece a esos escasos poetas que han logrado infiltrarse en la cultura POP, formando parte de esa nueva ola de la poesía del siglo 21 que se atreve a pertenecer a la gente y hablar directamente con ellos en su propia voz. Además de auto, Koyzac se ha destacado por la interpretación que da a sus poemas o por su palabra hablada, usando versos que con su ritmo y fuerza, han desplazado a su audiencia de ciudades como Londres, Sydney, Los Angeles, Nueva York o Edimburgo, por territorios sociales, políticos con furiosa intensidad pero sin dejar a un lado el acompañamiento de una candorosa humanidad.
En el año 2000 se convirtió en el primer canadiense en ganar el Campeonato Nacional de Poesía Slam en los Estados Unidos. Después con otros poetas fundó TOFU (del inglés Tons of Fun University), un trío de rock hablado que recita poemas musicalizados. Conocido en pequeños círculos bohemios, su nombre empezó a sonar cuando participó en el acto inaugural de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Vancouver en el 2010.
Su primera colección llamada Horario de visitas, que ahora se encuentra en la tercera edición, fue la única obra de poesía seleccionada tanto por el Guardian como por Globe y Mail en sus mejores libros en las listas del 2005. Luego publicó «Stickboy», una novela en verso que narra la solitaria y oscura jornada de un niño acosado preso de rabia e impotencia. Koyzac encuentra en el poder curativo del amor, esa luz que ilumina un mundo ensombrecido por uno de los actos más incomprensibles de nuestra cultura.
El poema
Las personas bilingües interesadas, pueden seguir este enlace de un artículo en TED titulado «8 beautiful and heartbreaking poems from Shane Koyczan«. Igualmente abajo publicamos el poema To This Day de Koyczan en su versión original en inglés.

To This Day
When I was a kid
I used to think that pork chops and karate chops
were the same thing
I thought they were both pork chops
and because my grandmother thought it was cute
and because they were my favourite
she let me keep doing it
not really a big deal
one day
before I realized fat kids are not designed to climb trees
I fell out of a tree
and bruised the right side of my body
I didn’t want to tell my grandmother about it
because I was afraid I’d get in trouble
for playing somewhere that I shouldn’t have been
a few days later the gym teacher noticed the bruise
and I got sent to the principal’s office
from there I was sent to another small room
with a really nice lady
who asked me all kinds of questions
about my life at home
I saw no reason to lie
as far as I was concerned
life was pretty good
I told her “whenever I’m sad
my grandmother gives me karate chops”
this led to a full scale investigation
and I was removed from the house for three days
until they finally decided to ask how I got the bruises
news of this silly little story quickly spread through the school
and I earned my first nickname
pork chop
to this day
I hate pork chops
I’m not the only kid
who grew up this way
surrounded by people who used to say
that rhyme about sticks and stones
as if broken bones
hurt more than the names we got called
and we got called them all
so we grew up believing no one
would ever fall in love with us
that we’d be lonely forever
that we’d never meet someone
to make us feel like the sun
was something they built for us
in their tool shed
so broken heart strings bled the blues
as we tried to empty ourselves
so we would feel nothing
don’t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone
that an ingrown life
is something surgeons can cut away
that there’s no way for it to metastasize
it does
she was eight years old
our first day of grade three
when she got called ugly
we both got moved to the back of the class
so we would stop get bombarded by spit balls
but the school halls were a battleground
where we found ourselves outnumbered day after wretched day
we used to stay inside for recess
because outside was worse
outside we’d have to rehearse running away
or learn to stay still like statues giving no clues that we were there
in grade five they taped a sign to her desk
that read beware of dog
to this day
despite a loving husband
she doesn’t think she’s beautiful
because of a birthmark
that takes up a little less than half of her face
kids used to say she looks like a wrong answer
that someone tried to erase
but couldn’t quite get the job done
and they’ll never understand
that she’s raising two kids
whose definition of beauty
begins with the word mom
because they see her heart
before they see her skin
that she’s only ever always been amazing
was a broken branch
grafted onto a different family tree
but not because his parents opted for a different destiny
he was three when he became a mixed drink
of one part left alone
and two parts tragedy
started therapy in 8th grade
had a personality made up of tests and pills
lived like the uphills were mountains
and the downhills were cliffs
four fifths suicidal
a tidal wave of anti depressants
and an adolescence of being called popper
one part because of the pills
and ninety nine parts because of the cruelty
he tried to kill himself in grade ten
when a kid who still had his mom and dad
had the audacity to tell him “get over it” as if depression
is something that can be remedied
by any of the contents found in a first aid kit
to this day
he is a stick on TNT lit from both ends
could describe to you in detail the way the sky bends
in the moments before it’s about to fall
and despite an army of friends
who all call him an inspiration
he remains a conversation piece between people
who can’t understand
sometimes becoming drug free
has less to do with addiction
and more to do with sanity
we weren’t the only kids who grew up this way
to this day
kids are still being called names
the classics were
hey stupid
hey spaz
seems like each school has an arsenal of names
getting updated every year
and if a kid breaks in a school
and no one around chooses to hear
do they make a sound?
are they just the background noise
of a soundtrack stuck on repeat
when people say things like
kids can be cruel?
every school was a big top circus tent
and the pecking order went
from acrobats to lion tamers
from clowns to carnies
all of these were miles ahead of who we were
we were freaks
lobster claw boys and bearded ladies
juggling depression and loneliness playing solitaire spin the bottle
trying to kiss the wounded parts of ourselves and heal
but at night
while the others slept
we kept walking the tightrope
it was practice
and yeah
some of us fell
but I want to tell them
that all of this shit
is just debris
leftover when we finally decide to smash all the things we thought
we used to be
and if you can’t see anything beautiful about yourself
get a better mirror
look a little closer
stare a little longer
because there’s something inside you
that made you keep trying
despite everyone who told you to quit
you built a cast around your broken heart
and signed it yourself
you signed it
“they were wrong”
because maybe you didn’t belong to a group or a click
maybe they decided to pick you last for basketball or everything
maybe you used to bring bruises and broken teeth
to show and tell but never told
because how can you hold your ground
if everyone around you wants to bury you beneath it
you have to believe that they were wrong
they have to be wrong
why else would we still be here?
we grew up learning to cheer on the underdog
because we see ourselves in them
we stem from a root planted in the belief
that we are not what we were called we are not abandoned cars stalled out and sitting empty on a highway
and if in some way we are
don’t worry
we only got out to walk and get gas
we are graduating members from the class of
fuck off we made it
not the faded echoes of voices crying out
names will never hurt me
of course
they did
but our lives will only ever always
continue to be
a balancing act
that has less to do with pain
and more to do with beauty.